Yalla seemlessly integrates with FreshBooks to utilize the power of FreshBooks invoicing features. You can create custom invoices or bill clients through Yalla's billing worksheets. Yalla gives you the ability to create billing worksheets for all time entries tracked.

The process is simple.

Connect FreshBooks with Yalla

  1. Click Settings from the "Me" navigation menu.
  2. Click the Integrations tab.
  3. Click the Freshbooks tab.
  4. Click Install button. You will see two options, click Classic or New Freshbooks depending on which FreshBooks system you are on.
  5. If your on Classic, add API URL and Authentication Token found in FreshBooks under your profile.
  6. If you use the New FreshBooks, you will be redirected to authorize Yalla to connect with your FreshBooks account. If you give Yalla permission to connect, you will only see the Sync options.

Sync Yalla with FreshBooks

Syncing is only required if you have created clients in Yalla prior to integrating your FreshBooks account with Yalla or if you have clients in FreshBooks that you want to bring into Yalla. You can sync anytime, the system will check for differences between the two systems. After activating FreshBooks integration, each new client created in Yalla will be simultaneously created in FreshBooks. Updates in Yalla will also update the linked account in FreshBooks.

  1. Click Sync after saving API credentials ( Reset button may be used to unlink clients in Yalla from FreshBooks if necessary )
  2. Check the Yalla clients that you want to be created in FreshBooks. If clients already exists or multiple clients are found in FreshBooks, Yalla will do its best to make a match. Instead of checkboxes to create a client you will see choices in a select box.
  3. Click Submit

Create and Send FreshBooks Invoices

  1. Click Calendar button in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Time button under the calendar dropdown menu
  3. Choose which invoice method, Custom Invoices or Billing Worksheets

Billing Worksheets

Billing worksheets are based on your team's time entries that are saved in the system for a certain time period. Each time entry that is assigned to a client can be added to an invoice to bill.

  1. Select the Clients you want to bill time for
  2. Choose the Date Range you want to search for time entries
  3. Click Create to create the worksheets
  4. Once the worksheets are created, click each Time Entry you want added to an invoice
  5. When finished going through each client, click Create Invoices to prepare invoices

The next screen will be the actual invoices that you can edit and send.

Custom Invoices

Custom invoices work very similar to FreshBooks invoice interface. After clicking Custom Invoices, select the client you want to invoice from the dropdown and fill in the other necessary items and tasks. When done you can save it as a Draft or Send it right away and move on to your next invoice.